Waking Up, a guest post by Donna Shin, MSLCPC Does something feel off? Is your intuition or your body waving red flags at you to slow down and pay attention? I know for me, very early in my relationship with an, unknown at the time, covert narcissist, I started feeling unwell at times. It was […]
Going Crazy Because of Covert Narcissism?
Trying to explain covert narcissism to someone who has not lived it is enough to make you feel entirely crazy! As if living the nightmare of the relationships isn’t enough! The conversation with that friend usually goes something like this: Me: I am having a really tough time communicating with him. Friend: Why? Me: He […]
Unreasonable Expectations of Narcissists
Unreasonable Expectations of Narcissists Excessive admiration! Automatic compliance! Ideal love! Favorable treatment! Constant recognition of their “specialness!” These are only a few of the expectations that a person with narcissistic personality disorder carries. Their sense of entitlement supports their unrealistic expectations. They expect to be worshiped. They expect unreasonable admiration and compliance to their every […]
You ARE Worth Fighting For!
A timely reprint from a blog on AlexDelon.com. Domestic violence has surged through the Covid-19 lockdowns. If you need help, please reach out. You’re not alone and you are worth fighting for! Here’s my story of desperation. It’s the day I gloved up and began to fight for myself. ~~~~~~ This has been a strange […]
Should We Give Our Narcissistic Ex Another Chance?
Should we go another round? Stats suggest that we leave an emotionally and/or physically abusive relationship 7 times before we leave for good. That said, there appears to be seven rounds in abusive relationship bouts. Which indicates we answer the above question with a whispered “Yes” and we try yet again approximately S E V […]
Stop Relationship Boundary Battles…
I was never good at setting boundaries. They were aggressive and that’s not how to handle a hot-headed narcissistic man or woman. Shortly after I walked away we signed an agreement not to spend over a certain dollar amount without consent from both of us, not to sell assets, that kind of thing. Those boundaries […]
Sad and Lonely? You’re Not Alone.
This morning a woman on Facebook stirred memories of those first months after I left my husband of 47 years. When we finally leave a narcissistic relationship, we can be pretty broken and emotionally battered. Not at the top of our game for sure. Leaving isn’t the fulfillment of our dream, it’s a last resort […]
Rewrite Your Story
Break the seal of the past. Grab the quill. Redirect your path. Rewrite the next scene of your story. You’re the Director, Producer and Star of the show. This is your life to own. Alex Delon
Drop the Weight of Narcissistic Abuse
Drop the Weight of Narcissistic Abuse I can’t keep carrying this load! I’m tired! I’m exhausted! My shoulders hurt. My neck hurts. My back hurts. My head hurts. My heart hurts!I am collapsing under this load. For my own sanity’s sake, I have to set this load down. I can’t carry all this pain anymore. […]
Nature-Nurture and Wa La…the Narcissist?
Could a thing like Object Relations Theory be a clue to understanding why communicating with a narcissistic individual can spin us in dizzy circles? I read an article by Dr. Elinor Greenberg, a real deal specialist in defining and diagnosing baffling character disorders. The article magnetized puzzle pieces to fit, explain, clear the mist of […]