Reconciliation or Alienation: How Conflict is Handled Speaks Volumes

Reconciliation or Alienation: How Conflict is Handled Speaks Volumes Every person alive has offended and upset the people they love most. We all do it. Just because someone has upset you or offended you does not make them a toxic person or a narcissist. Do not place this judgment here! You need to go a […]

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3 Questions for Survivors of Emotional Abusive Relationships

A young woman, two generations younger and half a world away suggested I write a Q & A Blog for survivors. She’s still picking eggshells and gravel out of her feet after a bad breakup with a narcissist, but she’s out. She’s right, it would be encouraging and informative to hear from other survivors. Am hoping […]

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At what what stage in your life did you realize, “No, I can’t do this anymore,” and walk out? Why?

By Alex Delon, author of LEAVING YOU….for me. An answer to the above question posted on  I reached that point a few months after my Medicare card arrived…after 47.5 years of marriage…four days after a walk on the boardwalk to watch a dazzling sunset, a wildly intimate weekend where we toasted […]

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8 Signs of Circular Conversations

8 Signs of Circular Conversations What is a circular conversation? Let me start by saying these aren’t conversations. They are verbal competitions and even warfare. Narcissists don’t use conversations to find understanding and compromise. They use them to win. These conversations are extremely planned and manipulated. There is absolutely no such thing as spontaneity. There […]

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