Alex Delon

  • Well said, Coyote. While we grip the dash at 150 mph, we try to convince them to slow down, to take a look around, enjoy the scenery, the companionship, all the good stuff. For me, realizing-accepting that it would never slow down for long was my first step out. It wasn’t going to end well…ever, so I stopped begging. When he got bored, had to…[Read more]

  • Playing the Peacekeeper becomes a core focus for those in relationships with narcissists. Some argue that codependents share the responsibility for the unhealthy behavior, because their main focus of ‘keeping the peace’ is dependent upon the unhealthy family member’s behavior, like a teeter toter.

    They relate it to the alcoholic person and their…[Read more]

  • I was not encouraged to venture into online dating again. I’d been on and for about a year in Flagstaff, AZ. I did meet several nice men, but we weren’t a good fit for each other.

    I also ran across what I call Profile Perjury more than a few times. One man’s profile picture was over 15 years old, he said he was…[Read more]

  • Online dating takes time, effort and more than a little courage. LOL I found that meeting for coffee or simply for a drink is an ideal 1st get together. The two of us can continue into lunch or dinner if things are going well or drink up and dash if it is not a good fit. Dinner conversation can become a lot of work…and long…when it was clear…[Read more]