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      I need some prayers and maybe advice. My oldest daughter told me about a week and a half ago about her father touching her thigh underneath her clothes. I did report it to the police and they took a statement. I have all my kids going to get interviewed at a place for kids. The court denied my motion to restrict parenting time until the investigation is complete but my two older girls refused to go to his house on Friday for the weekend. I am currently scared of his lawyer filing contempt against me but I feel VERY strongly a need to protect my kids. I hate this position and have been wishing extreme pain on my ex and his gf. I just want to be the best mom for my kids that I can and I realize my anger towards him and her is not helping me or my kids… Just really struggling right now.

      Alex Delon

        I am so sorry to hear this!! I am certainly sending prayers your way! I’m glad you got the police report. How long will the investigation take? How often are they required to see him?

        It is incredibly hard when our kids safety is not in our hands!


          I’m so sorry. That is an awful thing for your daughter to go through and for you to have to go through as well. Praying for you all.

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