• Sammie replied to the topic My Personal Belongings in the forum Covert Narcissism 5 years, 9 months ago

    Hello Renee,
    I wanted to touch bases with you about a couple other areas that concern the Narcissist and their covert ways. First, I wonder what it is that they (mine in particular) see in you which causes them to pursue you. Second, When a situation would ultimately benefit them, they will still do things to sabotage the person? Third, is there any time the real person they are or could be available? Fourth, do they conceal everything about them or mask themselves to who they want to be? Fifth, why do they constantly have to have their eyes on “their victim” , wife etc..?
    The bases to my questions are; I was independently single and had been for 12 years. I was not interested in a relationship, period. He pursued me hard.
    I have over the course of the marriage initiated several things. One was a small business working from home. Went to on line college for an Associates degree. I worked on line to get 2 state insurance licenses to sell insurance. He worked overtime doing things to cause me to fail. I was mentally exhausted and frustrated to no end so I stopped the small business. I barely finished my degree. I did graduate but felt like all my brain cells were close to burn out. I did finish the State licensees for life & disability but by the time I completed I had no energy left. There are times that I see a loving caring person but it does not last long. I notice often that he will mimic someone else. Well, most of the time he is like an actor on stage performing. Pertaining to the last question. Our home is circular and arranged fairly comfortable. I watch his behavior and I see that he will sit where he can watch everything I do. Like if I am cooking or busy doing laundry etc..
    The answer to your questions. Yes, in the past he has been arrested and had no contact orders. The Judge sent him to anger management and other classes he went through. He manipulated the Judge and dragged me into one of those classes. Then like art work he shifted the whole thing around where the finger pointed to me. This was all before I learned about His psychosis. Oh by the way I spent 29 years working in nursing and I have 2 minors one in psychology and the other chemistry. I met him when I was 32. There are no children. My daughter got breast cancer and passed away at 24.
    I appreciate that you are knowledgeable as I am just learning about Narcissist. When I was in college they taught that Narcissist was a overly conceited female who was in love with herself and her image.

    Thank you,

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