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  • in reply to: I Finally Woke Up and I’m a Changed Woman #397277

      Croation – If you would like to connect before you to go mediation, I can give you a sense of what to expect. I literally just went through four of them. Let me know. MariaB

      in reply to: I Finally Woke Up and I’m a Changed Woman #397271

        Thank you, everyone. I did not see your replies until right now – I apologize for my delay in responding.
        So, we went through (4) mediation sessions and he pretty much dominated the sessions with his wants and desires. None of the abuse was ever really considered or discussed but my lawyer assured me I would get my day in court – no pun intended. The four mediation sessions only resolved the financial aspects of the divorce.
        My Soon To be Ex Covert NARC had three kids from his previous marriage. He discarded them as they got older and no longer provided his supply (their participation in sports). He chalked it up to them getting older and wanting to be with their friends but the truth was, he was such an emotional fuck up and only cared about his own needs. I’m pretty sure his kids knew this. Anyway, this is important because he had them every other weekend and two nights during the week (not overnight). YET, when I made the same proposal, he declined it. He wants 50-50 parenting time.
        There was NO WAY IN HOLY HELL I was going to agree to this. So now we are going thru a parenting custody evaluation. Eight thousands dollars and this will be where he turns on the charm and how fabulous of a father he is. (He purchased a BEST DAD EVER shirt) and wears it every day!! That must mean it is true, right???
        Anyway, I would love to connect with you on ZOOM if you are ever up for it. I could really use support from people who fully understand what I am going through.
        And, you WON’T BELIEVE THIS!!! (very sarcastic)….
        I believe he has his own place even though we aren’t divorced or separated yet. More to come on this but thank you times ten for your support.

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