4LeafClover replied to the topic looking for women over 50 who are leaving their narc in the forum Divorce Space 5 years, 3 months ago
Inthemix… hard awful reality, isn’t it?
4LeafClover replied to the topic looking for women over 50 who are leaving their narc in the forum Divorce Space 5 years, 3 months ago
I live in fear of the next step. In fear of what trick he has up his sleeve… His nickname is the trickster. That should always be your first clue right? What they call themselves? He prides himself on this. It makes me crazy inside – lots of therapy, and unfortunately I seem to need a lot of validation to think that I’m not crazy. I like the fact…[Read more]
4LeafClover became a registered member 5 years, 4 months ago