Grateful replied to the topic Covert, Altruistic Narcissist Parent in the forum Adult Children of Toxic Parents 5 years, 9 months ago
Elusive Flame, We no longer need to shy away from expressing ourselves as we have done in the past. That is what heals us and makes us whole again. I’m glad that my comments enabled you to do that. I also deal with some narcissistic issues in my family aside from my ex husband, so I get it. Stay strong and keep working on the authentic you!
Grateful replied to the topic Covert, Altruistic Narcissist Parent in the forum Adult Children of Toxic Parents 5 years, 9 months ago
I agree with Renee’s situation! My ex had the exact same behavior–he is an expert at impression management. But behind closed doors his manipulation, gaslighting, controlling, rages and entitlement were epic. No one understood why I left him, and I spent a tremendous amount of my precious time and energy trying to defend myself. My son, who…[Read more]
Grateful became a registered member 5 years, 11 months ago