ellebuck replied to the topic Not sure if he's a narc or something else in the forum Covert Narcissism 4 years, 8 months ago
Funny you sent this today. I’ve moved to a new room, talked to two attorneys, and also a legal representative who talked about budgets. I feel better about the financial piece. I have a job lined up—not the best in the universe but it’s a job with future benefits. My husband has written me a reconciliation letter but I wrote back that I no longe…[Read more]
ellebuck started the topic Not sure if he's a narc or something else in the forum Covert Narcissism 4 years, 9 months ago
I’ve read a lot over the last year on narcissism and covert vs. overt. I’ve read about Cassandra Phenomenon and got stuck down the trail of thinking my husband was dealing with autism. I’ve looked up all the terms that go with that like Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder or Avoidant Dismissive. At this point I don’t know what the hell his problem…[Read more]
ellebuck became a registered member 4 years, 9 months ago