AvalonHope started the topic A milder form of covert narcissism? in the forum The Men’s Room 4 years, 1 month ago
My wife is nice and behaves normally 99% of the time unless I do one of the following:
- try to contact parents, family or friends
- use the internet outside of work purposes
- have any kind of social media presence
- read or watch science fiction or fantasy
So, as long as I have ‘harmless’ hobbies, no friends or internet access, she is not abusive…[Read more]
AvalonHope replied to the topic Is my wife a covert narcissist or am I just a bad husband? in the forum Covert Narcissism 4 years, 1 month ago
She is definitely a covert narcissist based on your description of her behavior. She sounds similar to my wife, if not worse.
AvalonHope became a registered member 4 years, 2 months ago