Annanda replied to the topic Damage done to a child of a toxic parent in the forum The Parent’s Room: Helping my Kids 5 years, 3 months ago
I have a 14 year old who hasn’t seen her toxic dad for 6 months and since we moved out have discovered she has many problems. Depression, low self esteem, body dysmorphia, anxiety and panic attacks, and ptsd. I am happy she is away from her dad but she wants nothing to do with him and I am worried the courts will force her into reunification counseling with him and he will manipulate her into some kind of toxic relationship once again. She sees a counselor weekly, sees a school counselor weekly and whenever she needs to, and goes to Alateen once a week. I’ve created a safe home filled with love, a lot of very needed clear boundaries, and have let her know it is safe to communicate with me. I’m learning to be a much better listener and less reactive (although it’s pretty hard when your beautiful, talented, intelligent, gifted child thinks of themselves as trash. I’m getting better though…)
I’m currently reading “Divorcing A Narcissist” and reving up for a big hearing in November to deal with everything including support and custody, whatever else you have to deal with when divorcing after being together for close to 30 years.
Any advice is welcome.