I don’t want to be your therapist.

I don’t want to be your emotional validator.

I don’t want to be your hero, your savior, your goddess or god.

I don’t want to be your mother. I don’t want to be your father.

I don’t want to be responsible for you. I want you to be responsible for you.

I don’t want to be your emotional baby sitter.

I don’t want to fix you.

I don’t want to be your scapegoat.

I don’t want to be the reason for everything that’s gone wrong in your life.

I don’t want to be your project.

I don’t want you to fix me.

I don’t want to be perfect. I could have said things better. I could have done things better.

I want to have flaws and weaknesses.

I don’t want to be on a pedestal.

I don’t want to be in your constant thoughts. I want you to have a life of your own. I don’t want your life to center around me.

I don’t want to fulfill you and I don’t want to be fulfilled by you.

I don’t want to be your soul mate or your other “perfect” half of a whole.

I don’t want you to complete me or me to complete you. I want you to be whole and I want me to be whole.

I want you to work at you and I to work at me.

I simply want a healthy companion in life.

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